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Written By Jacob Hiller
It’s easy to seek for success in feats, or accumulation, or the esteem of our peers, admiration of our partners … but if we ever met someone who was in the way of inner peace, the way of true success… they probably wouldn’t seem like much to us … because they wouldn’t have the toys and tokens that we seek to pad our egos with or distract our restless minds … so we might not even recognize true greatness…. But I don’t think they would really mind.
When we move slowly and with full attention we are still practicing awareness.
You rarely see someone getting psyched to do a 5 pound lift in their weakest range of motion… so our weakness gets neglected. We get stronger and our strengths compensate our weaknesses more. Until … we’re out of balance.
It’s as true for our kind and our awareness. We#hat we focus on gets stronger … until our weakness is our blind spot… until our weakness is our cause of pain.
In our body we train with awareness and intention to strengthen all ranges … and in our mind our awareness makes us more aware is the subtleties … both give us greater freedom.
In practice or meditation or breathing we may become aware of a thought or feeling that’s troublesome or enticing.
Initially we may rush back to our breath or we may be caught up in a train of thought or feeling.
If we can gently acknowledge our feeling or thought, note it without denying, suppressing, or fleeing… then we are able to see it more for what it is… from a perspective of stillness and peace rather than being caught up and unable to truley be aware.
In that way we can surf the wave rather than be tumbled by it.
This is not an easy thing… but that’s why it’s called practice.
Deepening awareness or awakening is a process not a destination. It could be called a skill.
At some point we will lose our center, but we gently come back and continue our own awakening.
Aisha and I enjoying a sunset and a little mindful moment. Couples who meditate together … medicate together haha just kidding. Couldn’t rhyme anything with meditate so… still enjoyed some laughs and wonder together.
There’s a lot in our world to distract us. To pull us, to want our help, to judge, to watch… but let’s just take a moment and breath and center ourselves in our intention. That’s where our power comes from. No matter where we are, what’s going on around us… we can always take a breath and center our awareness on our breath and our body.
#morningritual #basicallyjustdoitanywhereman
When I wake up stiff or sore … I just practice and don’t judge where my body is at. When I wake up with a sense over busyness or overwhelm… practice. Don’t judge where you are at. Don’t force to be something or somewhere else. Just be with your practice, and over time your practice finds it’s way in to your life. Whatever you feel, just practice… when the shots don’t fall you practice.
We come into this life with nothing, and despite all of our efforts and worry, we’ll take our last breath empty handed. By practicing awareness and observing ourselves rather than being involved in our storylines and worries (even for a moment) we strengthen our ability to see the moment as it really could be and over time improve our ability to see the world with kindness and curiosity.
#sadhguru #morningroutine #mindfulness #kindfulness
Our mind doesn’t hold all the “answers.” Before we had language in our brain… we experienced wonder, awe, gratitude… So we practice awareness to find a place where we aren’t a slave to our circling mind… the point isn’t to stop it, the point is to stop following it and chasing it in circles. When we realize our minds may not be the place where we find everything we seek… then we free ourselves to be still and curious what we might find.